Course Description

Is your team performing at their peak? Is productivity what you need? Do you know how to bring out the best on each and every member of your team?

Average teams are losing over 30% of profit due to poor communication. This is no ones fault directly is the nature of Human relationships. We are all wired differently yet think we are all the same. This leads to misunderstanding, miscommunication, confusion, frustration and stress. All of which affect productivity and performance.

Did you know the untapped potential that exists within your team?

Each member of your team brings unique gifts and skills that can benefit your business enormously, but you need to know what they are. You can do this by understanding their Communication DNA.

This short course is designed to allow you as the Business leader to step each of your team members through the process of learning about their Communication DNA.

This course will allow you to learn the Communication DNA style of each team member

You will learn their strengths, value they bring, response in stress, challenges and how to best lead them.

This course is complete GOLD for anyone managing or leading people. You will join the top 3% of people that learn how to better engage and communicate.

Take your business to a whole new level with this Team Building course. Normally $395 pp, you will be able to take your entire team through this course for one accessible and affordable price.

If you want to claw back the 30% of profit you are losing, to avoid the hefty expense of losing staff, this course is a no brainer.

Author, Speaker and Team Expert

Kylie Warry

Kylie Warry is an Author, Coach and Team Expert. Having worked with teams and business for over 10 years teaching them how to improve Communication, particularly during change or crisis. Communication is cornerstone to all of your relationships. Great communication connects and poor, thoughtless communication disconnects. Intentional communication is communicating with care and purpose. When you are in crisis, when it matters most; your communication can fail you. Poor communication just adds to the chaos. There are few “Great Communicators” yet it is skill crucial to all of your relationships, personal and professional. As a leader in any industry it is critical that you know your strengths as a communicator and your potential Impact.With Behavioural Science and Psychology degrees, and more than 20 years of industry experience Kylie has developed the Intentional Communication Framework and Communication DNA model for better communication. It’s a road map to show how your communication is affected in crisis and how you can navigate these really difficult times with care with respect and with wisdom.Your business, your relationships and your world will be affected by transition, challenge and crisis, it is guaranteed, so you need to know how to communicate with care and with Intention through these challenging times.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Understand Your Teams DNA

    • Understand your Teams DNA- Introduction

    • DNA Analysis (quiz) TEAM MEMBER TO COMPLETE

    • How to Complete the DNA Quiz - video

    • Understanding your Communication DNA - workbook TEAM MEMBER TO COMPLETE

    • Understanding your Communication DNA - video TEAM MEMBER TO COMPLETE

  • 2

    Understanding Teams DNA - step 1 LEADER TO COMPLETE

    • Understanding my Teams DNA - workbook LEADER TO COMPLETE

    • Understanding my Teams DNA - step 1 video LEADER TO COMPLETE

    • Completing the DNA Quiz for each Team member

  • 3

    Understanding Team DNA - step 2 LEADER TO COMPLETE

    • Understanding my Teams DNA - step 2 video

  • 4

    Understanding Team DNA - step 3 LEADER TO COMPLETE

    • Understanding my Teams DNA - step 3 - video

  • 5

    Understanding Team DNA - step 4 LEADER TO COMPLETE

    • Understanding my Teams DNA - step 4 - video

  • 6

    Understanding Team DNA - step 5 LEADER TO COMPLETE

    • Understanding my Teams DNA - step 5 - video

    • individual DNA blueprint - TEAM MEMBERS TO COMPLETE

    • Team Communication DNA - extra Bonus goodies FOR THE LEADERS

    • How to Best Lead A Powerful Communicatorv.1

    • How to Best Lead A Playful Communicatorv.1

    • How to Best Lead A Patient Communicatorv.1

    • How to Best Lead A Perfectionist Communicatorv.1